Soul Motion Training Part 2: Embody & Explore

A personal immersion into Soul Motion and an integration into the existing professional areas.

Part 2: Embody & Explore

The second part of the training focusses on deepening the somatic experience with the elements of Soul Motion. Building on this, we explore the relationship to the everyday dance and how Soul Motion can become a constant source of strength for life outside the dance space.

The dance space is a special place where many people find it easier to experience themselves in all their human fullness. Authentic, relaxed encounters with others are also often easier there. The more familiar we become with ourselves and Soul Motion, the more we realize that the dance space is only in our imagination a place separate from the rest of our life. The same life themes and questions arise here as there. Therefore, every realization and growth in the dance space is also a growth in our everyday life.

We realize that not only freeform dance, but all of life is improvisation. As strong as the desire for predictability and security may be, life is a re-emergence in every moment. Our strength and power lies in how we meet this constant flow of change. This part of the Soul Motion Training opens up ways for us to dance more relaxed and creative with the movements of life.

After the 1st module (7 days) we go back to our everyday life with our experiences made in the dance space. We look at familiar things with a new perspective and learn to appreciate the complexity of our life and to recognize a source of inspiration in everything we encounter. With patience and curiosity we refine the ability to listen to our intuition. We nurture the artist in us through conscious everyday choices and ever-improving self-care.

In the 2nd module (7 days) we share our experiences with the group. We again deepen our experiences with ourselves and Soul Motion.

Some of the contents in part 2:

  • Physical self-exploration in dance and meditation
  • Strengthening the loving view of ourselves
  • Vocal and physical presence exercises
  • Physical techniques to deal with nervousness (breath work)
  • Exploring and nurturing the inner artist (intuition)

With the completion of this part of the training, graduates are able to integrate elements and perspectives from what they have learned into their existing professional practice. The degree does not yet entitle the student to teach Soul Motion under this name. Those who wish to do so can continue on the path in Soul Motion Training with Part 3 "The Art of Teaching".

When & Where

Part 2 - 1st Module: 14.-21. January 2024 (Start on first day: 6 PM, End on last day: 2 PM)
Where: Seminarhaus Sophia, An der Elbe 2, 29490 Neu Darchau (Drethem)

Part 2 - 2nd Module: 15.-22. September 2024 (Start on first day: 6 PM, End on last day: 2 PM)
Where: Seminarhaus Sophia, An der Elbe 2, 29490 Neu Darchau (Drethem)

Part 2 - 1st Module: 19.-26. January 2025
Where: ZIST, Zist 1, 82377 Penzberg, Germany

Part 2 - 2nd Module: 30.3.-6.4. 2025
Where: ZIST, Zist 1, 82377 Penzberg, Germany


  • Part 1: "Foundations"
  • Previous experience in meditation, dance and body work is recommended.


The training is bilingual in German and English. Basic knowledge in English is recommended.


The training faculty consist of Doreen Tönjes and Edgar Spieker. All participants will also receive a Mentor that accompanies them.


Part 2: 3550 €
plus costs for accommodation / meals and travel

Re-taking Part 2: 50% of the regular fee.

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